How Are Your Morning Eyes?
Feel like there's something in your eye?
Burning or pain in one or both eyes?
Watery or dry eyes?
Blurry vision?
Red eyes?

You might have nighttime Inadequate Lid Seal (ILS).
Discover SleepTite/SleepRite today and wake up to a better world
What the Doctors Are Saying About Sleeptite/SleepRite®
"I love SleepTite/SleepRite for my office and for my patients! When I need a safe, comfortable way to keep my patient's eye(s) sealed overnight I reach for SleepTite/SleepRite.
"SleepTite/SleepRite provides us a simple solution for these patients and provides a seal that fosters a more normal environment for these patients."
"I've found that SleepTite/SleepRite not only dramatically reduces ILS symptoms, but it makes all other conventional treatments much more efficacious."
"Incomplete lid seal is one of the easiest diagnoses to make and requires no extra equipment. When a patient experiences morning dry eye, this alerts me to look for the presence of ILS."
"My patient's feedback and the improvement in their ocular health has made SleepTite/SleepRite my go to when addressing incomplete lid closure. It is safe, easy and effective."
"I've made the evaluation for incomplete lid seal (ILS) a part of my standard dry eye work up! Asking patients when their symptoms are worse helps me with the diagnosis. Morning symptoms are usually an indicator of ILS."
"SleepTite/ SleepRite is my first choice to combat morning dryness from CPAP machines in those with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. STSR does not interfere with the fit of CPAP and protects the ocular surface while the patient sleeps.
"SleepTite/SleepRite offers a simple and efficacious treatment option to help patients that suffer from incomplete lid seal issues."
Thanks to SleepTite/SleepRite we have an extremely effective treatment that has finally relieved patient symptoms and prevents further damage to their meibomian glands."